NURC REP10 Experiment - MSEAS Home Page
Exercise Background
Predictability is inherently limited in highly dynamic ocean regimes such as coastal and shallow waters, straits, canyons, etc.
Uncertainties can remain high because of our yet limited understanding of underlying processes in what appears to be a chaotic
environment at short spatio-temporal scales. The lack of integration in observational networks and the monitoring difficulties
in these areas may strongly compromise the characterization and prediction of the environment and the objective assessment of
operational effectiveness and associated risk. Traditional ship-based experiments become difficult with rising fuel cost and
call for innovative and adaptive techniques for persistent autonomous monitoring of the ocean to fill-in areas of high uncertainties.
The scientific objective of the environmental program at NURC is to develop an environmental knowledge management system in the following approach:
- develop robust monitoring and prediction techniques to rapidly characterize the environment in areas where knowledge is limited and uncertainties
are high, with a particular focus on autonomous platforms (AUV, gliders/UUV) and remote sensing (passive and active, satellite, airborne-, land- and ship-based techniques):
- understand uncertainties in remote sensing and ground truth observations
- develop UUV adaptive sampling techniques
- develop air-sea-wave 2-way coupling methods
- develop robust techniques to assess how environmental uncertainties affect the operational effectiveness and the associated risk and how
observational and prediction errors are propagated to the end-user decision level:
- develop techniques for a decision support system for autonomous platforms
- develop tactical super-ensemble prediction techniques
- understand how environmental uncertainties affect operational effectiveness
The aim of the experiment will be to demonstrate and validate these techniques on a range of environmental processes and spatio-temporal scales
relevant in an operational context. The Alboran Sea has been identified as a candidate area for the experiment, offering a challenging environment
and a range of contrasted scientific and logistic (e.g. strong currents and heavy maritime traffic in some areas, medium or low currents and
quite traffic in other areas) possibilities.
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Real-time Data, Analyses and Forecast Pages
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NetCDF files with Simulation Field Estimates
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Presentations from the 1st REP10 Meeting [Password Protected]:
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REP10 Links
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