Autonomous Wide Aperture Cluster for Surveillance (AWACS) - MSEAS Home Page

P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, Jr.,
W.G. Leslie, O. Logutov

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research
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Background information

P. Abbot, B. Carey, C.-S. Chiu, G. Gawarkiewicz, J. Krolik, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, J. Lynch, S. Smith.
Collaborators: T. Duda, K.D. Heaney

Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research

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Background information

Goal: Improve modeling of ocean dynamics, and develop and evaluate new adaptive sampling and search methodologies, for the environments in which the main AWACS-06, -07 and -09 experiments will occur, using the re-configurable REMUS cluster and coupled data assimilation Specific objectives are to:

  1. Evaluate current methods and develop new algorithms for adaptive environmental-acoustical sampling, search and coupled DA techniques (Stage 1), based on a re-configurable REMUS cluster and on idealized and realistic simulations (with NPS/OASIS/Duke)
  2. Research optimal REMUS configurations for the sampling of interactions of the oceanic mesoscale with inertial oscillations, internal tides and boundary layers (with WHOI/NPS/OASIS)
  3. Develop new adaptive ocean model parameterizations for specific AWACS-06, -07 and -09 processes, and compare these regional dynamics (with WHOI)
  4. Provide near real-time fields and uncertainties in AWACS-06, -07 and -09 experiments and, in the final 2 years, develop algorithms for fully-coupled physical-acoustical DA among relocatable nested 3D physical and 2D acoustical domains
  5. Provide adaptive sampling guidance for array performance and surveillance (Stage 2), and link HU research with vehicle models and command and control.

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